For over 15 years the Gaia council (formerly Jedi Council) has been working in the background to support the transition period of earth into a higher state of being. Springing out of The New Earth Project a dedicated group of spiritual warriors gathered to intuitively work together in the spiritual realms to support mother Gaia to raise its frequency and come into balance again.
In the council we work closely with source itself, in intuitive connection with the Galactic Federation of Light and the positive sections of the Ashtar Command and with the Earths consciousness and the multitude of gods, dragons and elementals that she holds space for.
A short while ago we were instructed by the Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation of Light that it was time for us to become more public and to train and gather together a community of light warriors, space holders and astral travelers so that we here on earth can take care of our own astral protection once and for all.
The Balance & Awareness Training is a direct instruction from source and the good forces of the Ashtar Command and it is the training that they themselves give to their children so that they can hold awareness and love for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body and come closer to tuning in to their soul frequency and name.
This training is for you have already done some inner work before and that want to contribute even more or come into more balance & awareness within.
It is a powerful training so it is advised to be able to have time to integrate and have space to rest in between the trainings. There will be both guided group sessions and individual coaching in smaller groups to support you to become more balanced, aware and tap into your souls frequency and vibration even stronger.
With love the Jedi Council and The Galactic Federation of Light
Registration is binding, 10 % of all revenues will support the further work of Crystal Mountain Association
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